Help with Parent Plus Loans

Are you the parent of a college graduate and now are faced with the daunting task of repaying Parent Plus Loans? Cutting to the core, we have recently been consulted by more and more parents who are in this position. Parent Plus loans and the huge burdens they impose is a growing problem. It is not unusual for a parent age 60, 65 or older to be facing repayment of Parent Plus loans and the forbearance and deferrals fhave all ended. Principal and interest due in the amount of $150,000.00 or more is not terribly unusual. Parent Plus loan monthly payments of $1,750.00 can and are demanded by the loan servicers. The payments may be the horror that you have kicked down the road quite a bit. Fortunately, there are alternatives. The Parent Plus loan servicers may not necessarily be telling you what those alternatives are. The language, definitions and methodologies conerning Parent Plus loans can be overwhelming. We can help you. You can obtain an affordable monthly payment. There are avenues and processes which will get you to a managable Parent Plus loan monthly payment. When you are overwhelmed, you need help. Don’t go it alone. You may well be missing the facts and opportunities that available to you. If you feel you need to receive a fresh beginning, there are ways of getting it done. Parent Plus loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy but there are ways of lessening the burden. If this writing resonates with you, call 215-822-2728 or email us at for an appointment. The one hour consultation fee for Parent Plus loans is $100.00. We will have fact finding and a good discussion. We will very likely be able to help you in lessening the burden of your Parent Plus loans by acheiving a smaller payment and implementing a long term strategy. Call or write now for help with your Parent Plus loan. Help is here when you most need it.