Covid mortgage forbearance began with the CARES Act March, 2020. COVID mortgage forbearance relief has been extended twice to a maximum of 18 months. If you received forbearance early you may be one of the over 1M homeowners who are now faced with making a choice has to what to do next. You have a number of options some of which are quite good such as mortgage reinstatment, mortgage repayment plan, payment deferral or mortgage modification; other options are considerably less desirable such as the sale of your home or deed in lieu of mortgage foreclosure. Each option must be carefully explored. Your lender may not be trained in all areas or not inclined to provide the details as they have many of the 1M mortgages to deal with.
Covid mortgage forbearance relief has a possible soft landing for people thanks to CFPB regulations that have just gone into effect. If you feel your mortgage company or mortgage servicer is not helping you or is giving you the run around or you just don’t understand exactly what is going on, you need to call our office for mortgage assistance. The rules and procedures for mortgage modification, repayment, deferral, reinstatement, or other resolution are complicated. The bank may or may not be interested in helping you specifically. If you are one of those people who will need help, call us 215-822-2728. We offer a 1 hour consultation/evaluation/education for $100.00. A bargain start if you consider you owe $20,000.00 $30,000.00 $40,000.00 or more in past due payments to your mortgage company.
Going through a forbearance plan exit is stressful. It may be an opportunity to address your other debt and income issues to obtain an overall fresh start. You have many weapons and defensed to be used in mortgage issues as well as defense if you are in mortgage foreclosure. We offer personalized service and attention. 215-822-2728
If you are not presently in COVID mortgage forbearance and are behind in your mortgage, call us; we can get you into the forbearnce program but it must be done by September 30th; this month! We can help. Call now.