Many newspapers and tv reporters recommend contacting your lender when you are about to miss your mortgage payment and enter into mortgage default. As a chapter 13 bankrupty lawyer can tell you that taking that advice may very well turn out to be one of the worst experiences of your life. Many, many, although not all, people are treated roughly by their lenders and mortgage servicers. A lender may advise you to sell your home or attempt to terrify you to do so. If you are given this type of “help”, run from it as fast as you can. You definately need a chapter 13 bankrutpcy lawyer. These people are bullies who only care about the company bottom line and their bonus; they ablsolutely do not want to help you; they do not want you to know your rights and resources. You need a bankruptcy lawyer who knows what he is doing and will straight up help you.
We as bankruptcy lawyers know, from hearing from hundreds of our clients, that the mortgage company will have you fax documents a thousand times. After you are on hold for 45 minutes, they will always claim they ‘did not get it’, ‘the system lost it’, and finally, ‘now your pay stubs and bank accounts are out of date; you need to resend.’
If this sounds familiar, I am a chapter 13 bankrutpcy lawyer who can get you through this mess and come out whole on the other side. Whether you receive mortgage forbearance, mortgage modificagtion or proceed with a chapter 13, you will keep your house, your mortgage will be reinstated and you will have a fresh start.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be of help to you. We will discuss your options, both bankrutpcy and non-bankruptcy. Our office is courteous and confidential. Whether you choose debt settlement, chapter 7 bankrutpcy or chapter 13 reorganization, you will know you have made the right choice and you control your life and your creditors, not the other way around. Call or email us for a consultation 215-822-2728