Long ago in the history of America and England, we had what is known as Debtor’s Prison. If you owed lots of money to many people or a large amount of money to one person and you did not pay it back on time, the creditor would take your property and have you thrown in […]
Author: JR
Are there debt collectors harassing you? Do you have debt that seems impossible for you to manage? William D. Schroeder, Jr., a bankruptcy lawyer in Philadelphia, can assist you if you find yourself in this situation. Bankruptcy can help individuals, families and businesses with obtaining a fresh start. You can still protect yourself and your […]
Filing for bankruptcy is one of the most difficult life experiences that you may be forced to face. Fortunately, going bankrupt in Philadelphia does not mean that you will have to lose everything. In actuality, filing for Chapter 7, 11, or 13 bankruptcy will put your life back on track; give you a fresh start […]
Imagine teetering on the brink of financial ruin, not knowing how to pay off your debt or not understanding other options available to you. Well, it could happen to you or your loved ones at the least expected time. Did you know that approximately 37% of all Americans have overdue loans? It is important to […]
Radio and TV ads are big drivers of the debt settlement industry. The ads I see and hear lead one to believe that you will be protected from the IRS and credit card collectors with a phone call to a debt settlement agency; that debt settlement is nothing more than presenting a three year plan […]
Modifying your mortgage is a great way to get yourself out of a financial strain and get a loan payment that you and your lifestyle can handle. Unfortunately, the process is not easy and many people give up when faced with the numerous challenges. Hiring a bankruptcy attorney in Bucks County like William D. Schroeder, […]
The following is an actual letter a client gave me before we put his life back together with a chapter 13 bankruptcy filing. It is a testament to the stress he and his wife were under. He did not realize just how a chapter 13 or chapter 7 would make his life so much easier. […]
Although personal injury lawsuits can vary in their forms and characteristics, the basic stages of the case tend to be similar in most situations. Understanding this process can be difficult and combined with the pain and stress which comes with personal injury, many people cave under the pressure. Philadelphia personal injury lawyerWilliam D. Schroeder, Jr. […]
What you need to know about Chapter 13 bankruptcy and mortgage foreclosure is that you do not need to roll over for the mortgage company. What you need to do is to take action to protect yourself when the sheriff comes knocking at your door. Retaining an attorney who will protect you and your family […]
Mortgage payments can be tough and can put a large strain on your finances if you are not prepared. If you are interested in modifying your mortgage and do not know where to start, there are a few things that you need to understand beforehand. Hiring a bankruptcy lawyer in Philadelphia like William D. Schroeder, […]