Life is unpredictable, and often, things happen that can cause people to fall behind on debt payments, such as when they lose a job, become ill, or lose track of how much is being charged to their credit cards. When debt-to-income ratio reaches critical levels, people can quickly become overwhelmed, and as such, often turn […]
Author: JR
Money matters are one of the leading causes of divorce in America today. When couples decide to divorce, those money problems may lead them to seek out both a bankruptcy and a divorce. Deciding which one to file first can be complicated and stressful, and it boils down to personal circumstances. Hiring an experienced bankruptcy and divorce […]
Divorce is difficult for children; a protracted custody battle increases the pain of separation and divorce. Children can feel like pawns in the battle between their parents, and they often exit the process with anger and resentment. A quick and fair custody arrangement is necessary to protect your children from undue stress or heartache. When […]
Philadelphia, PA – December 2015 – Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney, Philadelphia native and active community service participant, William D. Schroeder Jr., recently spoke at the 20th Annual Bankruptcy Institute on the basics of Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The event featured judges from the eastern district and is praised every year for its wide variety of topics. Mr. Schroeder was […]
With the change in bankruptcy laws and an increasing number of people facing financial hardships, more and more people are turning to debt settlement in the hopes of reducing their debt load, and repairing their credit. However, this may not be the best option for many people.
Despite the economic recovery from the recent recession, millions of homeowners still struggle to make their mortgage payments. Rising interest rates and stagnant wages have combined to increase monthly mortgage payments beyond what many homeowners can afford to pay. William D. Schroeder, Jr., Attorney at Law, is the bankruptcy lawyer Philadelphia homeowners turn to in order to […]
Sometimes if you have an outstanding debt with a creditor, they will file suit against you for the delinquency. Once a judgment is filed against you, the creditor becomes a “judgment creditor,” and they can now use a variety of legal techniques to use against you to collect their money. Philadelphia bankruptcy lawyer William D. […]
When you are charged with a crime, hiring a Philadelphia criminal defense attorney is your best bet to ensure that you get the legal service that you deserve. Many criminal defendants choose to hire a lawyer, especially if jail time is a possible outcome, and it is very difficult for someone without legal knowledge to […]
Filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be confusing and many people are unsure what to expect. William D Schroeder, Jr., a Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney in Philadelphia answers the top questions about bankruptcy. When should I think about hiring a bankruptcy attorney? When bills start piling up and it gets harder to know what to do […]
Many people see being issued a traffic citation as an annoyance. These people feel that the fine is high, however there are no further implications. Most people will opt to pay the fine and take any points that may be added to their licenses, while others will go to traffic school to avoid or reduce […]