Be aware, you may not have to pay tax on the forgiven debt, the IRS 1099-C that you just received in the mail from your old mortgage or credit card company. It is that time of year, tax season, April being the cruelest of months; even harsher than the freezing weather here in Philadelphia is […]
Author: JR
Philadelphia, PA – According to the University of Nevada’s Boyd School of Law, even back in Ancient Rome, “Roman laws prohibited the enforcement of gambling debts other than those incurred wagers made on state sponsored events such as state sponsored chariot races. For as long as gambling has been around, there have been customs and laws […]
The filing of a chapter 13 bankruptcy petition in Montgomery County can be done without an attorney, but the question becomes will you ultimately be successful in rehabilitating yourself by formulating a proper plan which pays your creditors the minimum amount required. You could amputate your arm but do you really want to try it? […]
Every day and as often as twice a day, I am hearing of telephone and email scams being perpetrated on my clients, associates and friends. Be Careful! These scams go far beyond the deceptive marketing mail you get in your mail box. A person who retained me recently, being on the verge of bankruptcy and […]
Are you looking for a unique and perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your husband or your wife? Nothing says “I love you.” more than a gift of love which is thoughtful, caring and compassionate. Give this unique gift of love to your spouse, children and family. We offer to prepare and have you sign a […]
On September 20th, 1977, the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) was approved on a federal level and by March of 1978, the act became fully effective, offering protection to consumers from illegal, abusive, and defensive debt collection practices while safeguarding reputable debt collectors from unfair competition. Under the FDCPA, there were several established guidelines […]
A chapter 13 bankruptcy in Montgomery County PA is often used to stop mortgage foreclosures and sheriff sales of a person’s home. The chapter 13 will force a repayment plan upon your mortgage company; the mortgage company must accept the plan once it meets all the conditions the Bankruptcy Code requires. A 13 can be […]
When you don’t have money in your wallet and your credit cards are maxed out. When you need to borrow from a fiend to pay for gas or food; or you can’t go out with your friends for fear not being able to pay your share. Or pleading with the bank to put money back […]
In bankruptcy, there are three main types of claims that creditors can make: secured claims, unsecured, or priority claims. William D. Schroeder Jr., a bankruptcy lawyer in Bucks County, is experienced in all matters of bankruptcy law and can guide you with all kinds of information, including the three different types of debt.
President Obama addressed the Nation yesterday with the State of the Union. “Tonight, we turn the page” the president said in his opening remarks to a joint session of Congress. He emphasized the difference between today and the past 15 years; a period when the United States has had to deal with terrorism and the […]