At this time a bankruptcy might be. However, if your present finances are bad but things may well be getting worse, now is likely not the time to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy. This does not mean you should not be preparing and making a plan. You must make a plan now. We can provide you with the understanding and confidence to take full advantage of the bankruptcy law. Just as all corporations, banks and Wall Street do, good results happen with good planning. Now in fact is the time to plan whether it is for chapter 7 bankruptcy, debt settlement or mortgage modification.
The economy is tanking. You do not want to spend your money unwisely or liquidate any of your assets now. A chapter 7 bankruptcy will most likely allow you to keep everything you own and eliminate all of your credit card debt, keep your home, keep your car, pay your mortgage under modified circumstances, keep all of your 401(k), your retirement funds and give you a fresh start. The actual filing of your chapter 7 bankruptcy (or 13 or 11 as your case may be) may not be for several months but the planning should start now. Don’t go it alone; you have a right to an attorney and you need the benefit of a lawyer who practices bankruptcy law. You can afford an attorney. We have payment schedules that along with knowledge and a proper plan, will give you peace of mind and a confidence to deal with the difficult times ahead knowing, that at the end of the process, you will have protected yourself and your best interests.
Covid-19 has not stopped us from helping our clients! Call us now at (215) 822-2728 for an appointment today. We are working remotely; we will speak on the telephone and then create an on-line secure meeting to help you in a confidential environment.